
For those who know about Chakras (Wheel Of Light)  I hope you will agree with my interpretation of the them.  If you don't, please let me know why and if I can see your perspective on it then I will change the definitions.

I also realize that there are more than the seven Chakras in the human body/spirit, these will be dealt with in due course.  For now we will stick to the seven major ones.

I also realize that Astrology can play a part in the workings of the Chakras but for now I will try to keep it simple 

Please click on the Chakra you wish to find more information about.  Click on the highlighted text to return to this page.

Babies ( well we have to start somewhere) they have Chakras as with most small things they are readily impressionable. So things that happen (good or bad) early in a Childs  life time get stored in the Chakra.( I personally believe that they can carry past life events to this carnation) These memories stored in the Chakra can be kept `hidden` for years even into adult hood and then a physical or emotional trigger clicks in  and releases these memories. Through the use of Reiki or other alternative therapies the Chakras can be re programmed.   

Chakras are spinning energy points in the body and depending on whether you are female or male. Just to make things a bit more complicated not only do they spin BUT they spin in alternate directions.  Lets look at the male Chakras, starting at the Crown it rotates clockwise, the third eye is anti clockwise throat clockwise heart anti clockwise so on and so fourth. Then the female again starting at the Crown anti clockwise, third eye clockwise, throat anti clockwise so on and so fourth.  If they male Crown Chakra gets blocked then it might reverse its rotation telling the healer that there is to much femmine energy there it would need help to realign to let the life force to flow through the body steadily. 

 If the Chakras are blocked or out of line they will make you feel `out of sorts` with your body and being able to interpret this information by one of the following sense/feeling the imbalance or Dowsing the Chakra will help to put you back in touch with your body.   No matter which way you `read` the Chakras the outcome should basically be the same, however each  practioner will tell you something slightly different it will greatly depend on the experience of the person  who is working on/in your body space.

Originally Reiki was taught to be about bringing peace and calm to the body and mind allowing the body to function  properly. I recently read that in the original Reiki that Chakra work was not taught to students.  However to me the work the Reiki practioner does is about opening these centers of energy intentionally or otherwise. By there actions and breathing techniques.  Conclusion for me is:  for the whole to be achieved one must be able to relate to all that goes into creating the whole being.  I work with Reiki energy which is an intelligent  energy so it will go to where it is most needed this may be one or all of the chakras / Aura or any other part of the physical non physical that needs the Reiki energy. 

You will find in many cases music will help to open the chakras.  Each one will respond to a different note Lets look at your favorite piece of music you feel a sense of security from it. Why? because it has opened your senses ( energy fields-chakras) and distracted you from most lines of thought and you get this spaced out feeling. BUT beware as music can do your senses good it can also have the reverse effect and make you feel worse.  This does not have to be music it could be speech anything that may cause a resonance /vibration in the air 

It is now coming to my understanding that each Chakra has separate vortex's within it that relate to parts of our physical being.  For example, the crown Chakra  governs the head but the vortexes inside that Chakra govern parts of the body, a wheel within a wheel so to speak.  In each Chakra the vortices represent love, emotions, mentality, health,  physically and spiritually they contain so much information about the person I didn't realize how much until I worked with them. The first time it astounded me know I take it as part and parcel of the course.   Also that each Chakra is connected to the corresponding layer of the `aura`, the aura being the unseen energy that  surrounds our body externally.  It is why when you walk into a room and take a dislike to either the room or a person in that room the `energy/aura` you have encountered has disagreed with your own energy/aura.

Are the chakras connected to the aura?  YES  they are.  Starting with the crown chakra and working down the body they connect as follows 

Crown  = Ketheric body

Third eye = Celestail body

Throat =    Etheric Template

Heart   =    Astral body

Solar Plexus =  Lower mental body aspect

Sacral =   Emotional Body

Root =  Etheric body   

The Root Chakra  connecting to the Etheric body is the closest of the auric field to the body and the crown chakra Ketheric body being the furthest from the body.  You will find that while giving  Reiki treatments you may feel drawn to work above the physical body . If this happens go with it as the aura may need the energy more than the physical ( the physical we still get what it needs reguardless) 

Reiki and the chakras