The Aura

The aura is connected to your body through the Charkas.  Is it visible?  Some people can see the aura, most of us sense it.  For example you walk into a room and sometimes you instantly like or dislike something/one in the room, you have connected to its aura, all things have one and to what extent you feel it depends on your sensitivity. 

You can also dowse the aura, this can be quite a turning point in a discussion.  When you try to talk to somebody about auras and they say there is no such thing I get out my dowsing rods and firstly I will show them how to use them, then with their permission I walk towards them to show the rods will cross on entering their aura.  I then let them experiment themselves and I find time and time again it makes the person think "How, what is making the rods move?"  Try it!!!!!!!!!

The aura is a magnetic field's) around the body, covering it like an shroud BUT it is your magnetic field  that holds your emotions and pains and transfers them from physical to spiritual/unseen form.  I believe that if the aura is not complete it allows negativity into the body contributing towards illness.  It can be repaired through Reiki, crystals, spiritual healing etc.  Eating habits can also effect the aura, eating properly will strengthen it or eating badly will weaken it.

The photo below is my aura not long after I was told that an injury I sustained at work could leave me unable to move my hand.  To say the least I was extremely annoyed by this thought and this coupled with the fact I would not be able to return to work showed in this picture in the form of the orange tint to my aura.  From memory I think the year was 1997 -98

  This picture  was taken by Sacred Butterfly on July 14 2001.To contact them please click here . I had also taken my Reiki attunements by this time. And I was working mainly on self healing  

Here is me yet again date 22 January 2006

Okay so there is a difference as you can see  there is more happening than orange with a tint yellow basically this means I am getting to grips and working on my own energies. Who knows what may happen next time I have my Aura photograph taken !

When giving Reiki treatments you will work with the auric fields of the object you are working on. (you do not have to be a reiki person to heal the aura) Be ware that every thing has its own aura and although you may not be able to feel/sense the aura it is there.  I am going to talk of my experience with auric work. If you have read my Charkas page you will know that I believe the Charkas are joined to the aura and relate to each Charka point and auric layer. Both react to a resonate frequency and both can be altered by this frequency for better for worse. they also react to energy put into e.g. Reiki so with the intent to help heal the person you are working on gives the good resonance. The aura will feel better so does the client. When you wash your hair you may feel such relief this is because the sticky parts of daily life have collected at the crown charka sweat and dirt block the energy channels. However when you wash your hair you clean the energy channel so energy can flow again giving that refreshed feeling and you feeling better in yourself. I know that sometimes when I have washed my hair I feel like a great load has been shifted of my shoulders. The reason I have used hair washing is because it is something we all do and if you haven't all ready noticed this feeling may be next time you wash your hair you will notice this feeling. Please note if you wash your body it will help keep the main body aura clear allowing energy to flow through to the charkas in turn giving the refreshed feeling.

When I give my treatment I notice the feeling like air is rushing out the body?  No it is not rushing out the physical body, what is happening is that there is a leak in the Aura. Those who read this and do work with auras will tell you that when you feel this `leak ` it will help you to find the cause of a patients problem. The `leak` may not be the sole cause of a problem but it is worth noting and working on in the healing session as it will help the client get back to normal.  I also want to point out here that when the healing session has finished ALWAYS close the aura. With my first degree clients I tell them how to do this I feel it very important up there with grounding  the client ( grounding = getting rid of access energy)