
Where do you start with the word "Spiritual" ?     

Lets start by looking at the three most common definitions

Spirit:  persons soul,  disembodied person, without substance or material existence,( okay yes it can also be used to describe alcohol).  It can also describe a persons mood e.g. High spirited or low spirited

Spiritual:  concerned with spirit. Religion, divine, inspired   religious song.

Spiritualism:  belief that spirits can communicate with living ( through a medium )  

I thought it best to try and define the word spiritual from its basic meaning to its most controversial meaning. quickly and to the point. 

People come to me and say I have not had a spiritual experience. 

Being born is one of the most spiritual  experiences you will have.  Especially if you are mum or dad the shear joy is immense ( a lot of unexplainable feelings in a very short time)  As for the baby, well to me they are the knowledge we seem never to have.  They have their innocence that no body (physically) has touched in tact.

Another question is I go to a spiritualist church and meditate but nothing happens.

Being totally still is a spiritual experience.  To shut your mental thoughts from your body  allowing you to spend time with your self is  a spiritual experience.  IT will take a lot of practice to do it though because a thought of reality springs into your mind blocking you making peace with yourself. ( did I leave the gas on before I left or did I lock the door before leaving home).  I used to say nothing happened I just went to sleep.  Then I had it explained to me that going  to sleep ( this was noticed by the snoring) my body felt safe enough to shut down and to let me be at one with myself.  Once I had grasped this idea I had / have some wonderful inner journeys. 


Where does Reiki stand on the Spiritual ratings.?

Well MY belief is that the original Reiki  that Usui taught would be quite a disciplined spiritual belief system.  accepting of things like guides and angelic realms.  However some of these belief systems had to get way laid for the West to accept Reiki. 

MY journey has taken on acceptance of higher intuitive helpers and I would like to think that through helping people to become one with their self  I may have bought there understanding /acceptance of Spirit to a new level for the individual person.    


I feel I need to talk about Destiny and Karma to me they are one of the same, destiny is the West's  way of dealing with a Buddhist word that means the same.  Words are a very strong tool if used correctly but if the word is altered then it looses its strength to do what it should do. 

Karma,  YOU are the only thing that can change your Karma (destiny) Reiki MIGHT help to release some of your Karma if that is the way it should be through the use of unconditional love. 

What if Reiki is not done with the correct intent? 

Then the `Karma` falls to the person who is doing the treatment without the correct intent it does NOT get passed on to the client. 

Please note if it is your Karma to become a millionaire you will be a millionaire. Only you and your sub consciousness know the answer to that!!!

Healing: Body, Mind, Spirit
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